Inside Cleantech (Ep1) – The Future of Renewables? – Discussion with Guy Auger
Cleantech Geek
Be Bold. Make the Change. Have a meaningful Impact.
Video first published at Greensolver’s YouTube channel.
Cleantech Geek Inside Cleantech Series – At this series we discuss with experts, senior executives and influencers with the Clenatech and Renewable Energy Industry. Find out about their opinions on the future of the industry, get their insights on opportunities, learn from their failures.
At this first video I am discussing with Mr Guy Auger, CEO of Greensolver Group. What is the future of Renewables in a pure merchant un-subsidised environment? How do we move forward as an industry? What are the trends? Will IPPs survive the new market environment?
IPPs have no long term position in a competitive market where Utilities and Oil Majors are tacking a strategic position within the Renewables, by acquiring more and more assets. It’s all about scale…
Watch the Video and stay tuned for more!
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