Easter Campaign: “Spread Hope & Share Love” by Wattcrop and TrueStory Radio

FM: True Story Radio 102,8
Producer: Antonis Pougaridis

Cleantech Geek

As Managing Partner of Wattcrop (hhtps://www.wattcrop.com) I had the pleasure of giving one more full interview on the radio show of Antonis Pougardis on True Story Radio, the only informative radio station in Western Macedonia. We talked about the Easter charity campaign organized by Wattcrop in collaboration with TrueStory Radio. “Spread Hope & Share Love” is a campaign that aims to provide food and essentials to people in real need.

This YouTube channel has been created out of the need to understand the drivers behind the Energy Transition and the necessity to move towards a sustainable economy. Entrepreneurs, innovation, and startups will be at the forefront being the early adopters, the pioneers, the disruptors… Join us on this Journey!

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How is technology revolutionizing the renewable energy industry?

Written by Margarita Kyrkou, surveyor and GIS specialist at Wattcrop.

The world is facing an urgent need to transition to renewable energy sources to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. Fortunately, advances in technology are making this transition more feasible and affordable than ever before. From solar panels to wind turbines, technology is revolutionizing the renewable energy industry in several ways.

Solar Energy

One of the most exciting developments in renewable energy technology is the continued advancement of solar panels. In recent years, solar panels have become much more efficient and affordable. This is largely due to advances in manufacturing techniques and improvements in the materials used to make solar panels.

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Corporate social responsibility and renewable energy. What businesses need to know.

Written by Giannis Taousanidis, an electrical engineer at Wattcrop.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a buzzword in the business world recently. As consumers become more aware of the impact of business on the environment, they expect companies to take responsibility for their actions and make efforts to reduce their carbon footprint. One way for companies to meet these expectations is by investing in renewable energy.

Investing in renewables

Since renewables are sustainable and do not produce harmful emissions that contribute to climate change, companies can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change, by investing in renewable energy.

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From sun to socket: The Rise of Solar Energy

Written by Riki Argyropoulou, a junior surveyor at Wattcrop.

The world is experiencing a rapid shift towards renewable energy sources due to the increasing demand for energy and the need to address the climate change crisis. Among these sources, solar energy is one of the most promising and rapidly growing forms of renewable energy. In this article, we will discuss the rise of solar energy and its potential to revolutionize the world’s energy systems.

Solar energy is harnessed from the sun using solar panels, which capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. The energy generated by solar panels is known as solar power and can be used for various purposes, including powering homes, businesses, and even entire cities. The use of solar energy has gained popularity over the years due to its numerous benefits, including its environmental friendliness, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness.

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Why is renewable energy more cost-effective than fossil fuels?

Written by Wattcrop team.

Renewable energy has become increasingly popular over the past few years, and for good reason. Not only is it more sustainable for the environment, but it’s also cheaper than fossil fuels. In this article, we’ll explore why renewable energy is cheaper than fossil fuels.

Low operational costs

Renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro are low-cost to operate because they do not require fuel. Fossil fuel power plants, on the other hand, require fuel such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which can be expensive to extract, transport, and store. The cost of fuel can also fluctuate, which can make it difficult to predict operating costs. Renewable energy sources, on the other hand, have no fuel costs, making them more predictable and less volatile.

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Exploring Energy Challenges, Rising Costs, and the Future of District Heating

FM: True Story Radio 102,8
Producer: Antonis Pougaridis

Cleantech Geek

As Managing Partner of Wattcrop (hhtps://www.wattcrop.com) I had the pleasure of giving one more full interview on the radio show of Antonis Pougardis on True Story Radio, the only informative radio station in Western Macedonia. We talked extensively abou energy issues with extensive reference to rising costs and district heating.

This YouTube channel has been created out of the need to understand the drivers behind the Energy Transition and the necessity to move towards a sustainable economy. Entrepreneurs, innovation and startups will be at the forefront being the early adopters, the pioneers, the disruptors… Join us on this Journey!

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COP 28: The necessity of the energy transition!

Written by Wattcrop.

On 30 November, the 28th UN Climate Change Conference, COP 28, started in Dubai. This promising conference will conclude on 12 December, after two weeks of negotiations.

At this critical juncture in the impact of the climate crisis, we all expect tangible commitments from political leaders. COP 28 should be the vehicle for changing the perception of the urgency to adopt measures and actions to address the climate crisis. Accelerating the energy transition from fossil fuels to more environmentally friendly forms of energy is not just a potential solution to the problem but the only one that can slow down and reduce the devastating effects of violent climate change, which is becoming more and more noticeable year by year.

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Renewable Energy Jobs: Opportunities for a Green Career!

Written by Margarita Kyrkou, surveyor and GIS specialist at Wattcrop.

Renewable energy has become an increasingly important topic in recent years, as concerns about climate change and sustainability have grown. As a result, there has been a significant increase in the number of job opportunities available in the renewable energy sector. In this article, we will explore the various opportunities available in renewable energy and how to pursue a green career.

The renewable energy sector encompasses a wide range of technologies, including solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, and biomass. Each of these technologies has its own unique set of job opportunities, from manufacturing and installation to research and development.

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Entrepreneurial Insights: Navigating challenges and seizing opportunities in Greece and globally.

FM: True Story Radio 102,8

Producer: Antonis Pougaridis

Cleantech Geek

As Managing Partner of Wattcrop (hhtps://www.wattcrop.com) I had the pleasure of giving my second full interview on the radio show of Antonis Pougardis on True Story Radio, the only informative radio station in Western Macedonia. We talked extensively about entrepreneurship, mistakes, and good business practices.

This YouTube channel has been created out of the need to understand the drivers behind the Energy Transition and the necessity to move towards a sustainable economy. Entrepreneurs, innovation and startups will be at the forefront being the early adopters, the pioneers, the disruptors… Join us on this Journey!

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Ypatios Moysiadis on True Story Radio: “90% of investments will not materialize”

FM: True Story Radio 102,8

Producer: Antonis Pougaridis

Cleantech Geek

As Managing Partner of Wattcrop (hhtps://www.wattcrop.com) I had the pleasure of giving a full interview on the radio show of Antonis Pougardis on True Story Radio, the only informative radio station in Western Macedonia. We talked extensively about the market and investments in renewable energy in the region.

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