Thoughts on the move – Monaco – S1:E2 – Develop Sales Processes & Sell on Value

Cleantech Geek

Be Bold. Make the Change. Have a meaningful Impact.

Cleantech Geek Thoughts on the Move Series – At this series I will be producing short videos on the move from various locations. On this series I will be giving you my thoughts on issues that startups and companies face. From sales, marketing and leadership to sustainability and carbon footprint reduction. I will be sharing with you my point of view, my experiences, insights and personal leanings.

At this video I am discussing about the necessity of developing sales processes that you and your team can follow and the importance of selling on value and not on price or time. You do that, by demonstrating that you clearly understand the problems of your clients and by providing them with a methodology and a road-map of how you will solve their problems with your products or services. So my advice, create sales processes that you and your team can follow, understand the problem you are solving and provide a clear pathway of how you will do that! Sell on value not on price? Please watch the video and leave your comments below!

Watch the Video and stay tuned for more!

See more videos on my YouTube Channel

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