Inside Cleantech (Ep4) – Asset Management: Best Practises & Digital Tools – Discussion with Edmee Kelsey

Cleantech Geek

Be Bold. Make the Change. Have a meaningful Impact.

Cleantech Geek Inside Cleantech Series – At this series we discuss with experts, senior executives and influencers with the Clenatech and Renewable Energy Industry. Find out about their opinions on the future of the industry, get their insights on opportunities, learn from their failures.

On this interview, I am discussing with Mrs Edmee Kelsey, Founder & CEO of 3Megawatt. An insightful interview on entrepreneurship, the role of women in a male dominating industry, best practises and digital tools for Asset Management, the current trends in the market, the required standardisation on the renewable energy services sector and how we should evolve as an industry through digitalisation.

Watch the Video and stay tuned for more!

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