Leading the Way in Renewables Development in Greece

Conference: ENERGYEAR | 09 MAY 2024 | ATHENS

Cleantech Geek

As Managing Partner of Wattcrop, I had the pleasure of participating in the Energyear 2024 event in Athens, where I joined a distinguished panel of experts from leading companies in the Greek energy market. The panel, “Leading the Way in Renewable Development in Greece,” centered on the significant strides and challenges in advancing renewable energy initiatives within the country. The discussion highlighted the pivotal role of innovative solutions, regulatory frameworks, and collaborative efforts in shaping Greece’s sustainable energy future.

Panel Moderator: Ioanna Barouni, Research Associate, Aurora

Panel Experts:

1. Costas Caralis, Hive Energy

2. Ypatios Moysiadis, Managing Partner, Wattcrop

3. Nikos Giannoulis, Head of Project Development, Sens

4. Dimitris Kaismaridis, Head of Bd Greece, Recurrent Energy

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