Το πολύπαθο χωροταξικό σχέδιο για τις Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας – Κύρια σημεία διαφωνίας

Του Υπάτιου Μωυσιάδη

Θα πρέπει κάποτε στην χώρα μας να μάθουμε ότι δεν χρειάζεται να ανακαλύπτουμε ξανά τον τροχό για θέματα που άλλες, πιο ώριμες αγορές του εξωτερικού έχουν ήδη επιλύσει. Χώρες όπως η Γερμανία και η Ισπανία, με πολλά GW ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας ήδη σε λειτουργία,  εφαρμόζουν πλέον καλές πρακτικές που απορρέουν από τα λάθη και την πολύχρονη εμπειρία τους στον χώρο.

Μεγάλη παραφιλολογία και λαϊκισμός έχει ανθίσει γύρω από την χωροθέτηση των ΑΠΕ. Τις περισσότερες φορές με επιχειρηματολογία αστοιχείωτη.

Αν και το τελικό σχέδιο-πρόταση δεν έχει γίνει ακόμη γνωστό από τους αρμόδιους φορείς και ούτε έχει τεθεί σε δημόσια διαβούλευση, έχουν διαρρεύσει στοιχεία του και ήδη ο ειδικός τύπος έχει δημοσιεύσει σχετικά άρθρα.

Παρακάτω παραθέτουμε τα κύρια σημεία στα οποία εντοπίζουμε ζητήματα.

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Why Energy Storage?


Written by Christos Kougevetopoulos, head of operations at Wattcrop.

Following the escalating energy crisis in Europe, renewable energy has been a point of focus to help resolve the current situation and provide a safe buffer to the current energy mix. The advantages of renewable energy with regards to providing solutions to the problem are already known, with the main one being the ability for quick deployment and production of clean energy relatively quickly when compared to other forms of energy production. Deployment of such projects also contributes towards a carbo-neutral economy and ensuring the ambitious renewable energy target for the EU of 32% by 2030 is met, or more ambitious targets that are now being considered per the below graph.

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Latest Greek auction points to future market realities

Cleantech Geek
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Written by Jon McNair | ENERGY REV

First published here • JUNE 28, 2021

Latest Greek auction points to future market realities

The steady reduction in the price of winning tariffs in successive rounds of Greek renewables auctions, capped by the most recent edition in May, has the potential to realign the market in the country.

Over successive auctions held over recent years, Greece has followed most other countries in registering incremental drops in the tariffs awarded to successful projects. 

And May’s (2021) latest 350MW edition of the Greek programme was no exception as successful bid prices dipped down to an average of EUR 37.60/MWh, although falling as far as EUR 32.97 in the case of one project: a 19.3MW solar farm developed by local group Egnatia. 

Other successful bidders included Lightsource bp, in a collaboration with another local developer Kiefer TEK, which secured 20-year contracts for 140MW of solar PV capacity at an average price of EUR 38.50/MWh. Meanwhile, Mytilineos also bagged tariffs for 140MW of solar, at a slightly lower average rate of EUR 37/MWh. 

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Cero Generation and Wattcrop form joint venture to develop Greek solar energy portfolio

Today marks a significant milestone for all of us here at cleantechgeek.com, our main company Wattcrop has successfully formed a Joint Venture with Cero Generation, a Macquarie Green Investment Group portfolio company. Our purpose to drive Renewable Energy and Storage Assets mainly to the Greek and but also to other European markets. Combining financial strength, knowhow and local expertise we are setting ambitious targets to develop more than 750MW in the next few years just on the Greek market alone. Please find below the official Press Release:

Monday, 12th of July 2021

  • Cero Generation and Wattcrop announce a new joint venture partnership to develop an extensive portfolio of solar PV projects in Greece.
  • The partners are targeting the development of   750 MW of capacity over the next four years.
  • The joint venture marks Cero’s entry into the Greek market. With more than 8 GW under development across 150 projects, Cero is home to one of Europe’s largest solar development portfolios.
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Discussion about renewable energy in Greece – new technologies, best practices and more

Cleantech Geek

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My latest online discussion (in Greek, unfortunately for my non-greek speaking visitors) with Mr. Pougaridis on e-ptolemeos.gr – one of the largest news agencies in Western Macedonia. The discussion revolves around renewable energy in Greece; More specifically we talk about the best practises in the industry based on the European and UK model, the role of resistance from local communities on adoptation of renewables, new technologies such as energy storage and the growing importance of renewables in areas where coal is phased out, like West Macedonia in Greece.

Please watch the video and leave your comments below! For more Cleantech videos don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!

Combining articles, videos and podcasts we intent to provide the stage for creative thinking and constructive discussions. Cleantech Geek Blog

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Inside Cleantech – S2E3 – A Climate Change Engineering Startup Story

Cleantech Geek

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At this series we discuss with experts, senior executives and influencers from the Cleantech and Renewable Energy Industry as well as from the Entrepreneurship and Investment World. Find out about their opinions on the future of Green Entech and Cleantech, get their insights on opportunities & risks, discover the secrets of successful businesses & ventures, learn from their successes and failures.

“A Climate Change Engineering Startup Story”

On this interview, I am discussing with Mr John Davies, Founder of 2DEGREESKELVIN. John, shares with us his story and his decision to start an innovative Climate Change Engineering Company offering speciallised services and testing to the solar enery industry. With years of experience on the field and hands-on problem solving skills John and I discuss about the challenges in the services sector, common failures and mistakes the industry did during cinstruction and lessons learned. We also expand on subsidies and the current CFD round in the UK. Finally John gives us his opinion on service pricing and digitalisation of the O&M activities. This episode was filmed with ZOOM in an isolation environment due to COVID-19 pandemic. Don’t miss John’s personal story on how he took the brave decision to create his company, his insights on the services within the Solar sector and the challenges that COVID-19 brings to startups and the sector.

Please watch the video and leave your comments below! Don’t forget to subscribe and like!

Combining articles, video and podcasts we intent to provide the stage for creative thinking and constructive discussions. Cleantech Geek Blog

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Data analysis is set to transform the energy industry – 4 applications that lead this change

Cleantech Geek
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Data analysis can be deployed across the whole energy value chain, regardless of the size of the asset. From large utility scale sites to residential solar and storage, leveraging the power of data drastically cuts costs, enhances the useful life of the asset and saves valuable time to the owner and managing team.

Currently information flow is fractured and involves multiple stakeholders, exchange of endless spreadsheets and one-way, data deprived reporting processes. The main problem is the high volume of low quality, unvalidated data; distributed through various channels, their value is not unfolded, and they are perceived as an additional responsibility, instead of a valuable tool in the hands of O&Ms, Asset Managers and local councils.

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Inside Cleantech – S2E2 – Insights of a Green Entech Technologist – Interview with Andrew Eisenberg

Cleantech Geek

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At this series we discuss with experts, senior executives and influencers from the Cleantech and Renewable Energy Industry as well as from the Entrepreneurship and Investment World. Find out about their opinions on the future of Green Entech and Cleantech, get their insights on opportunities & risks, discover the secrets of successful businesses & ventures, learn from their successes and failures.

On this interview, I am discussing with Mr Andrew Eisenberg, CEO at Green IT Energy Applications. Andrew, is giving us his opinion on critical subjects as a technology provider for the last 20 years in the USA. Green IT, has been a pionner in developing technologies specifically designed for the Renewable Energy Industry. Green IT provides end-to-end data capture and management systems on Solar, Wind, Storage and Hydro across North America. Filmed with Zoom in an isolation environment due to COVID-19 pandemic, Andrew and I, are discussing about his journey and the current state of the solar PV industry in the US, the importance of Cybersecurity and critical fact data acquisition, validation and analysis for the Renewable Energy Industry. Get Andrews personal view on how data are critical for the decision making in an unsubsidised environment and how he sees the new normal for him, his team and the wider industry in the aftermath of COVID-19.

Please watch the video and leave your comments below! Don’t forget to subscribe and like!


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Big Data and Energy: A winning duo? – With Ypatios Moysiadis

Cleantech Geek

The first podcast of Cleantech Geek is here. In this episode of “Watt a time to be alive” hosted by ESCP Energy Society, Tristan de La Selle and Ypatios Moysiadis discuss big data and energy on Spotify.

Be Bold. Make the Change. Have a meaningful Impact.

“For you, AI might sound like a science fiction concept or a simple buzzword that people like to talk about to sound smart, but it is actually reshaping the very old energy industry. We decided to discuss this with someone who knows this subject and Ypatios Moysiadis seemed like the perfect person to meet. ‘Business Development Director & UK Country Manager, Greenssolver UK he has helped companies develop wind parks and solar farms”.

Please listen to the podcast and leave your comments below! Don’t forget to subscribe and like!


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Inside Cleantech – S1:E8 – Owners Operators Insights – Interview with Francesco Girardi

Cleantech Geek

Be Bold. Make the Change. Have a meaningful Impact.

At this series we discuss with experts, senior executives and influencers from the Cleantech and Renewable Energy Industry. Find out about their opinions on the future of the industry, get their insights on opportunities, learn from their successes and failures.

On this interview, I am discussing with Mr Francesco Girardi, Chairman of Bluefield Services / Bluefield Group. Francesco, is giving us his insights as an owner / operator. Bluefield, has been a pionner in adopting vertically integrated management models from asset investments all the way to retaining key services like O&M and Asset Management in-house. Filmed on a very nice setting within Bluefield’s London offices Francesco and I, are discussing about the journey and the current state of the solar PV industry, project development on an un-subsidised environment and the importances of leveraging and diversifing on technology for trading electricity. Get Francesco’s personal view (and disruptive suggestions!) on how market demands will require new expertise and how the core service will evolve to deliver value taking the discussing away from prices.

Please watch the video and leave your comments below! Don’t forget to subscribe and like!


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