The development stages of RES projects.

Like all types of projects, renewable energy projects follow a specific process. There are 4 main stages, each of them requiring its own specialised staff. These are the stages of pre-development, development, construction and finally, project management and maintenance.

Stage 1

First and very important, is the pre-development stage. This is that phase of the projects in which, after confirming the availability of the grid in an area, the people appointed by the company to find land, look for suitable fields and large pieces of land for the development of photovoltaic and wind projects. Once the necessary land is found, then the company’s experienced team of engineers undertake the necessary inspections. This involves environmental, topographical and archaeological checks in order to confirm the suitability of the land. The last step in the pre-development stage is the legal control on each private or public piece of land.

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7 κύρια συνθετικά στοιχεία στα οποία η Αγορά Ενέργειας πρέπει να δώσει απαντήσεις για την επιτυχημένη ενεργειακή μετάβαση

Πρώτη δημοσίευση: energypress

του Υπάτιου Μωυσιάδη

Το 2022 φεύγει αφήνοντας ένα τοπίο ρευστότητας και αβεβαιότητας. Τόσο η ενεργειακή κρίση η οποία επιδεινώθηκε λόγου του πολέμου στην Ουκρανία όσο και η κλιματική κρίση της οποίας η επιπτώσεις είναι πλέον οφθαλμοφανείς έχουν φέρει στην επιφάνεια τις χρόνιες ελλείψεις και παθογένειες στο χώρο της Ενέργειας τόσο σε Εθνικό όσο και σε Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο. Το τρίπτυχο της ενέργειας είναι η Βιωσιμότητα της επένδυσης και της τεχνολογίας με γνώμονα την πράσινη μετάβαση, η Εξασφάλιση προσιτών τιμών και η Ασφάλεια παροχής. Ποια είναι όμως τα συνθετικά στοιχεία στην Αγορά Ενέργειας;

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Key factors for Wind Resource Assessment

Written by Vaggelis Ioannou, electrical engineer at Wattcrop.

Wind resource assessment is the most time-consuming procedure in majority of wind projects, and it determines the future of a project since it provides valuable data for it such as average wind speed, average wind density energy, Annual Energy Production (AEP), losses and uncertainty associated with AEP. Lack of wind resource or insufficient strictness with respect to technical due diligence during wind resource assessment leads to delayed or rejected projects by financiers. Therefore, a proper wind resource assessment is crucial for the project life and timeline.

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Integration of Drones in Solar Systems.

Written by Margarita Kyrkou, surveyor and GIS specialist at Wattcrop.

The commercial adoption of drones is growing quickly, and the solar industry is no exception. Drones provide a practical solution for inspecting solar installations, from residential to utility-scale. They can be used to manage the entire design, construction and operation cycle of a system.

Drones support business efforts to avoid hazardous man-hours; reduce costs for maintenance, inspections, and repairs; and maximize energy production. Valuable use cases have been proven across pre-construction, commissioning, and operations & maintenance for not only the PV system itself, but also for surrounding infrastructure like utility lines, substations, and fencing. They are a useful tool as they collect data up to 50 times faster than manual methods and ensure greater safety.

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Photovoltaics in combination with livestock farming

Written by Aggeliki Marinou, environmental specialist at Wattcrop.

The combination of agriculture-livestock farming with photovoltaic parks is widely known abroad and has begun to be incorporated in Greek society, as the need to protect biodiversity, combined with energy efficiency is essential. More specifically, photovoltaic parks can be allocated for grasslands and wildflower meadows, which provide habitats for pollinators, birds and wildlife, as well as for sheep grazing.

The site is suitably landscaped so that animals can live in harmony with photovoltaic panels. The bases of the photovoltaic panels are placed at an appropriate height so as not to obstruct the passage of grazing animals and to ensure that there are passages for the passage of animals through the park.

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Floating photovoltaics, a smart technology!

Let’s meet the floating photovoltaics!

Written by Giannis Taousanidis, electrical engineer at Wattcrop

Solar photovoltaic power is an essential pillar in the efforts to addressing climate change. PVs are widely used, due to their easy installation and low maintenance. Over the years, we have seen a vast amount of PVs installed on rooftops or on the ground, when it comes to larger scale production. 

But this does not have to be the case. It is feasible, nowadays, to install PVs on the surface of water reservoirs, lakes and even seas and oceans under the right conditions. The solar panels are mounted on platforms floating on the water surface. 

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Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.) & Renewable Energy Sources

Written by Margarita Kyrkou, surveyor and gis specialist at Wattcrop.

What is GIS system?

The need for spatial data has been known to spatial scientists since antiquity. The rapid development of technology led to the solution of the problem, with the emergence of Geographic Information Systems or GIS. The GIS system models space by gathering and combining a wealth of information. It has a database of geographic data and at the same time includes a database of descriptive data linked to the spatial data.

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Agrivoltaics: a sustainable solution combining RES and agriculture

Written by Aggeliki Marinou, environmental specialist at Wattcrop

The main threat facing our planet is the impact of climate change. There is a need to redefine the way that we find, use and conserve energy and natural resources, as they are key to slowing down climate change and can lead our planet to more sustainable development. A massive shift to clean energy systems and a greater use of renewable energy sources is strongly recommended. 

In recent years there has been a rapid growth and demand for photovoltaic projects. Photovoltaic technology due to its smart structure, cost reduction, long lifetime and improved efficiency plays an important role in the transition to a low-carbon society. However, land-based PV farms are competing with the food production sector in terms of land coverage. Innovative solutions have already been implemented to implement photovoltaic systems while reducing land use. Photovoltaic systems on buildings that make use of existing building surfaces, floating photovoltaic systems use the existing water surface and agricultural systems use agricultural land are some examples. 

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5 factors that affect the productivity of a solar park

What affects the productivity of a solar park?

Written by Giannis Taousanidis, electrical engineer at Wattcrop

Solar parks, but also RES investments in general, are the key to a sustainable future. But what are the important aspects to consider when designing and installing a PV project? What are the main factors that affect the productivity of a solar park and ensure that we have the maximum return on our investment?

In this article, we attempt to provide useful information to current and future producers and prosumers about their solar park productivity and efficiency.

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Σταθερότητα και διαφάνεια, καταλύτες για την ανάπτυξη των ΑΠΕ

Του Υπάτιου Μωυσιάδη

Πολλά ερωτηματικά κυρίως στην διεθνή επιχειρηματική κοινότητα, που έχει εμπιστευτεί ξανά την χώρα μας, έχουν δημιουργήσει τόσο οι συνεχείς αλλαγές στους ισχύοντες νόμους και διατάξεις που διέπουν τις ΑΠΕ όσο και οι ανακοινώσεις των πολιτικών ηγεσιών στην ΔΕΘ.

Ειδικότερα, ο τελευταίος νόμος περί προτεραιοτήτων για την έκδοση όρων σύνδεσης αλλά και η εφαρμογή απευθείας φόρου στην παραγωγή (2ευρώ ανά MWh) για τα έργα που συνάπτουν διμερή συμβόλαια έχει δημιουργήσει έντονο κλίμα δυσαρέσκειας και ανησυχίας.

Μπορεί οι αρχικές προθέσεις και η ανάγκη να μπούν όρια στην προτεραιότητα στον ηλεκτρικό χώρο να ήταν σωστές, παρόλα αυτά το αποτέλεσμα δεν ήταν το αναμενόμενο από την αγορά.

Ξεκάθαρα προτεραιότητες θα πρέπει να παίρνουν έργα με υπογεγραμμένα διμερή συμβόλαια (PPAs). Τα έργα αυτά είναι μη επιδοτούμενα, άρα δεν επιβαρύνουν τον κρατικό προϋπολογισμό αλλά και βοηθούν άμεσα την βιομηχανία και τους καταναλωτές με χαμηλές σταθερές χρεώσεις σε βάθος δεκαετίας.

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