Tag Archive for: #ypatiosmoysiadis

Inside Cleantech (Ep3) – Challenges of Asset Management – Discussion with Adele Ara – Part 1

Cleantech Geek

Be Bold. Make the Change. Have a meaningful Impact.

Cleantech Geek Inside Cleantech Series – At this series we discuss with experts, senior executives and influencers with the Clenatech and Renewable Energy Industry. Find out about their opinions on the future of the industry, get their insights on opportunities, learn from their failures.

On this first part of the interview, I am discussing with Mrs Adele Ara, Director of Asset Management for Lightsource BP. A very interesting interview on the challenges of Asset Management, the current trends in the market, the need for standardisation and how the service provides must evolve to facilitate a new level of complexity on an ever maturing market environment.

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Entrepreneur’s Insights (Ep1) – Interview with Rafael Badziag, the “Billionaire Magnet”

Cleantech Geek

Be Bold. Make the Change. Have a meaningful Impact.

Cleantech Geek Entrepreneur’s Insights Series – At this series I will be talking with inspiring Entrepreneurs from around the world. We will be discussing about various topics and issues, giving their points of view, sharing their experiences and personal leanings.

At this video I am discussing with Rafael Badziag. Rafael, is a pioneer on e-commerce. He started one of the first successful e-commerce sport related platforms before the .com rise and then invested in cryptocurrency and domain names amongst other interesting ventures. Despite his success, Rafael did something remarkable. He embarked on a journey to interview and learn from the Billionaires of our generation, trying to unlock the secrets behind their Entrepreneurial Mindset. In this interview he talks about some of the learnings and experiences of his journey, gives valuable insights and shares with us the launch if his book. Don’t miss this video with the “Billionaire Magnet”.

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Inside Cleantech (Ep2) – Solar Energy, Hot Markets, PPAs & Storage – Discussion with Giles Clark – Part 2

Cleantech Geek

Be Bold. Make the Change. Have a meaningful Impact.

Video first published at Greensolver’s YouTube channel.

Cleantech Geek Inside Cleantech Series – At this series we discuss with experts, senior executives and influencers with the Clenatech and Renewable Energy Industry. Find out about their opinions on the future of the industry, get their insights on opportunities, learn from their failures.

On this second 2-parts interview I am discussing with Mr Giles Clark, Director of ALSi Consulting Limited & COO of National Energy. A very insightful interview on the future of the solar industry, the current hot markets, developments in PPAs and battery storage.

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Inside Cleantech (Ep2) – Solar Energy, Hot Markets, PPAs & Storage – Discussion with Giles Clark – Part 1

Cleantech Geek

Be Bold. Make the Change. Have a meaningful Impact.

Video first published at Greensolver’s YouTube channel.

Cleantech Geek Inside Cleantech Series – At this series we discuss with experts, senior executives and influencers with the Clenatech and Renewable Energy Industry. Find out about their opinions on the future of the industry, get their insights on opportunities, learn from their failures.

On this second 2-parts interview I am discussing with Mr Giles Clark, Director of ALSi Consulting Limited & COO of National Energy. A very insightful interview on the future of the solar industry, the current hot markets, developments in PPAs and battery storage.

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Inside Cleantech (Ep1) – The Future of Renewables? – Discussion with Guy Auger

Cleantech Geek

Be Bold. Make the Change. Have a meaningful Impact.

Video first published at Greensolver’s YouTube channel.

Cleantech Geek Inside Cleantech Series – At this series we discuss with experts, senior executives and influencers with the Clenatech and Renewable Energy Industry. Find out about their opinions on the future of the industry, get their insights on opportunities, learn from their failures.

At this first video I am discussing with Mr Guy Auger, CEO of Greensolver Group. What is the future of Renewables in a pure merchant un-subsidised environment? How do we move forward as an industry? What are the trends? Will IPPs survive the new market environment?

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6 Major processes, Renewable Energy Asset Owners, must implement, to OPTIMISE their Energy Assets

Conference: O&M and Asset Management Conference | 6 December 2018 | London Organisers: Solar Power Europe & UK Solar Trade Association

Greensolver sponsored and contributed to the conference. – www.greensolver.net

Speaker / Presenter: Ypatios Moysiadis – Greensolver Business Development Director

In the presence of 150+ professionals from the top European solar service providers and asset owners, Ypatios Moysiadis, Business Development Director of Greensolver, gave his presentation on Asset Optimisation and the methodology developed for application both on solar and wind assets.

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Four main principles of good O&M and the challenges of the future that service providers will have to understand.

by Ypatios Moysiadis

I have been working in the Renewables for thirteen years. The last four, part of executive teams of core service providers across all mainstream technologies.

Year after year I have witnessed the industry evolve and becoming more mature. However, I firmly believe that there are some underlining principals that despite the progress and changes have remained the same and apply to all service providers both on solar and wind.

There are also specific challenges that the industry face as it passes through the maturing level.

In this article, I will try to outline those underlining principals and the future challenges that we should understand.

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Latest trends around pricing, strategy & technology in the solar PV O&M space

Conference: O&M and Asset Management Conference | 6 December 2018 | London Organisers: Solar Power Europe & UK Solar Trade Association

Greensolver sponsored and contributed to the conference. – www.greensolver.net

Panel Moderator: Ypatios Moysiadis – Greensolver Business Development Director

During the 2018 O&M and Asset Management Conference co-organised by Solar Power Europe and the Solar Trade Association, Ypatios Moysiadis Business Development Director of Greensolver moderated a panel of experts on “Latest trends around pricing, strategy and technology in the O&M space”

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